Digital Platformer and Tsuzuki Electric form a business alliance.

(headquartered in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Yoshiyuki Yamada, President; hereinafter “DP”) and Tsuzuki Denki K.K. (Tokyo office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Isao Emori, President; hereinafter “Tsuzuki Denki”) have signed a business alliance agreement.

DP’s main business has been the provision of “LITA,” a SaaS platform for issuing digital currency and DID (Decentralized Identifier: a global standard distributed ID) for local governments. Through this business alliance, we will co-create new value by combining DP’s “LITA” with Tsuzuki Electric’s 90-year history of knowledge and advanced technological capabilities. We will work together to create new value by combining the knowledge and advanced technology of Tsuzuki Electric, which has a 90-year history, with DP’s “LITA. We expect that the creation of this new service with Tsuzuki Electric, which supports DX and corporate value enhancement of many companies and has connections with various industries, will further realize DP’s core value of “realizing a world where blockchain is the norm”.

Digital Platformer About Digital Platformer, Inc.
Digital Platformer, Inc. will develop “LITA” based on “Hyper Leisure Iroha,” which has already been adopted by the Central Bank of Cambodia’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the first digital local currency in the world, and “Byakitora,” Japan’s first digital local currency using blockchain. LITA” will be developed based on “Hyper Leisure Iroha”, which has already been adopted in Japan’s first digital local currency “Byakko” using blockchain. In March 2022, we released “MyDID,” a DID issuance service, and in July 2022, we launched “Toyonon Wallet” in Toyono-cho, Osaka Prefecture, providing a platform for issuing digital regional promotion coupons and DIDs.
Going forward, we will continue to pursue various initiatives with local governments and business corporations with the three missions of 1) reducing the cost and time of money transfer to as little as possible, 2) spreading distributed ID throughout Japan, and 3) realizing energy and supply chain tracing and contributing to the realization of zero-carbon cities and local production for local consumption.

What is LITA (What is LITA?
Digital Platformer Inc. provides a digital currency issuance SaaS and platform service for local governments and regional banks. Digital currency and digital gift certificates can be issued for each region. Simple parameter settings allow flexible definition of digital currency to be issued, and a rich API offering enables flexible service design. The world’s most advanced blockchain “Hyperleisure Iroha” is used to provide high information tamper resistance and system availability, as well as scalability and interoperability.

Company name: Digital Platformer Inc.
Representative Director: Yoshiyuki Yamada
Location: Yotsuya Mitsuke Building 5F, 1-1-2 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Establishment: April 2020
Capital: 435,450 thousand yen (including capital reserve) *As of March 31, 2022
Company URL:

Tsuzuki Electricity About K.K.
 Purpose: “Together with people, knowledge, and technology, we will create a “blank space” full of possibilities. Purpose is a company that improves the corporate value of its customers and solves social issues through ICT, under the slogan “Together, with people, knowledge, and technology, we create a ‘margin’ full of possibilities. Through the promotion of digital transformation and contribution to the building of a sustainable society, the entire group is working together to realize a prosperous world.
On May 1, 2022, we celebrated our 90th anniversary, and we will continue to take on the challenge of providing value to society on our 100th anniversary and beyond.

Company name: Tsuzuki Electric Co.
Representative: Isao Emori, President and Representative Director
Location: 6-19-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: May 1932
Capital: 9,812,930,000 yen
Business Overview: Design, development, construction, and maintenance of network systems and information systems
Company URL: