About us

Business and culture

Digitally Connected
Individuals and Things

Let's start with finance.

Full control over privacy with self-sovereign identities using the innovative technology of blockchain. Digitizing all assets in the real world and seamlessly connecting the identities of people and goods to a world where the exchange value of all assets is possible. Toward a future where the cost of moving money and goods is as close to zero as possible.

Creating a future that transforms social infrastructure with blockchain

Representative director CEO

Ikkei Matsuda

Matsuda Ikkei

Our first mission is to "reduce the cost and time of transferring money to zero." This allows for quick and efficient transfer of funds within and outside Japan. Using blockchain technology, we aim to create a world where valuable information can be instantly sent and received safely and at low cost.
The second mission is to “spread decentralized ID throughout Japan.” By popularizing digital ID, we will create a world where anyone can digitally prove their identity. This will enable fair verification even for people whose identities are difficult to identify, such as refugees and stateless persons.
The third mission is to "realize energy and supply chain tracing and contribute to the realization of zero carbon cities and local production for local consumption." By visualizing the amount of renewable energy generated and linking the credits to economic activities, we contribute to the revitalization of local economies.

We aim to give back technology to society and create a better future. DP's products are already functioning in society, and Tochika, a deposit-type stable coin jointly developed with Hokkoku Bank, is used on a daily basis in Ishikawa Prefecture. Furthermore, the realization of digital certificates using decentralized ID has been praised as Japan's first initiative.
The appeal of working at DP is that we implement technology in the real world and evolve it while getting user feedback. We respect diversity and provide an environment where engineers can grow while understanding business. We sincerely welcome those who want to take on the challenge of solving social issues and those who want to enrich their careers as engineers.
Why not not only enjoy the advancement of technology, but also make it a reality and give something back to the world? The challenge is very interesting and rewarding. Please feel free to come and visit us.

After graduating from Keio University, he began his career in the securities underwriting department of Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd. After that, he worked at a local subsidiary in London, where he was in charge of the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern European countries. After returning to Japan, he established Hokkaido VC, Japan's first community-based venture capital (VC), and played a pioneering role in supporting university-based ventures, including the establishment of the first national university-based venture (Hokkaido University). He has many achievements in commercializing intellectual property, including concluding milestone contracts for pharmaceutical companies.

A future where the fusion of finance and IT transforms the way value is exchanged
Behind the scenes of “Tochika” development

director COO

Hiroyuki Sato

Sato Hiroyuki

Together with Hokkoku Bank, we developed Japan's first deposit-type stable coin, Tochika, and released it in March 2024. I would like to talk about the background of this project and the future we are aiming for.

"Tochika" is Japan's first "deposit-type stable coin" issued by Hokkoku Bank, and is a new payment method that can be used anytime and anywhere through the smartphone app "Tochika". With this app, you can also use "Tochipo" points issued by local governments, and you can make payments at member stores in Ishikawa Prefecture. What is unique about this project is that it integrates the financial institution's "currency" on the blockchain and the "identified ID" provided by the My Number card, creating a structure that allows seamless use of private services and local government services. A new mechanism has been created that allows users to build their own economic zone.

The development was based on the needs of Hokkoku Bank, which was promoting a cashless system as a countermeasure to the high cost of cash and the risk of fraud. We overcame the cultural differences between our two companies and utilized blockchain technology to realize this project.
In the future, we aim to expand TOCHICA to other local banks and build a broader economic zone, and we are also working on new projects that utilize blockchain technology.

DP's appeal is that it implements technology in society and evolves it while obtaining user feedback. Personally, I place importance on creating an environment where engineers can understand business and create products that contribute to society. The future we aim to realize is a future centered on the "individual" and in which value can be exchanged between individuals.
Working at a startup gives you the joy of seeing what you create contribute to society. We respect diversity and provide an environment where engineers can grow while understanding business. We sincerely welcome those who are willing to take on challenges and those who want to enrich their careers as engineers.

Graduated from the University of Tokyo's School of Economics and New York University's Stern School of Business. Involved in M&A and the launch of global platform business at NTT Docomo. In 2016, he established Docomo Digital in London and developed the mobile payment business as CEO. After returning to Japan, he led Web3 and Metaverse as a partner at a DX consulting firm. In June 2023, he was appointed as Director and COO of DP.

DP's organizational growth and human resources strategy
Jūnan'na taisei to daibāshiti no suishin Promoting flexible systems and diversity

director CAO/CHRO

Shinobu Matsui-Conceicio

Matsui-Conceicao Shinobu

DP's current organizational status consists of four main groups (development, business, corporate, and compliance), and the number of members has finally exceeded 20! However, as we are still a growing company, our organizational structure is flexible and we make changes as appropriate, such as by reassigning groups (departments) and teams, in line with business growth. Under such circumstances, human resources strategy is the most important issue. In particular, there is an urgent need to secure human resources to support the development of stable coins and decentralized IDs, and in the future we will need human resources who not only have technical skills but also English proficiency so that we can smoothly collaborate with overseas companies. Masu. However, there is no point in hiring someone if they quit, so we place importance on the opinions of our members and work to create an organization that makes people feel, ``I'm so glad I joined this company!'' We will create a win-win environment for both the company and its members by building an evaluation system and focusing on well-being management, creating a company that is fun to work for and improving performance.

DP is a very open company. Even though many of us are working remotely, we are taking various initiatives to ensure that communication between employees is not lost. For example, our monthly pizza party! We strengthen collaboration within the company by meeting face-to-face while eating pizza.
From now on, we aim to become an organization that embodies diversity, and by bringing together members with diverse backgrounds, we aim to be an organization that promotes individual growth, which leads to the development of the entire organization!

Mr. Kato joined The Exchange (formerly Army and Air Force Exchange Services), a Department of Defense welfare fund entity, in 1996. In 2014, he became the first Japanese General Manager in The Exchange's 120-year history. After retiring, he joined our company in 2020 as an Executive Officer and will become a member of the Board of Directors in 2022.

  • Shuzo Koda

    Koda Shuzo

    • Digital PlatformerCorporate Auditor, Inc.
  • Yoshiyuki Yamada

    Yamada Yoshiyuki

    • Co-Founder and Special Additional Advisor
  • Masayuki Yoshida

    Yoshida Masayuki

    • Digital Rural City Cheering Group Secretariat
    • Internet Research Institute, Inc.
    • Senior Manager
    • Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Financial Studies, SBI Graduate University
  • Masaharu Takano

    Takano Masaharu

    • President and Representative Director, Bitmedia Corporation
  • Naoaki Yamanaka

    Yamanaka Naoaki

    • Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
    • Director, Keio Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Ph.
  • Kimihiro Mine

    Mine Kimihiro

    • Representative Director, Finoject Inc.
    • Chairman, Japan Crypto Asset Traders Association
    • Former President and CEO, BitFlyer, Inc.

Corporate Information
