What are some of Digital Platformer's technologies?
In addition to SHIKI, we provide decentralized ID/VC issuance and management services and digital currency issuance and management services for local governments and financial institutions.Click here for a case study
What is SHIKI?
SHIKI is a robust proof system for the era of cyber defense designed to give users complete control over their data. It is used for identity authentication at financial institutions and for online payments.
What is KAN?
KAN is the foundation that supports the issuance of stablecoins, keeping the value of issued coins constant and in line with legal tender. This provides blockchain-derived transparency and efficiency while remaining immune to the price volatility found in other crypto assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
What are the advantages of implementing SHIKI?
In addition to basic ID provider features such as integrating IDs and providing authentication functions, security is expected to be enhanced due to the decentralized nature of the system. In addition, the use of VC makes it easy to share information about users across services. Since information is disclosed based on the user's will, not the service provider's will, privacy considerations are also incorporated.
What is a Depositary Stablecoin?
Our digital currency is a Depositary Stablecoin. Depositary Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a 1:1 ratio of value to regular legal tender. Stablecoins are directly transacted using blockchain technology, which eliminates the need for middlemen and significantly reduces fees.
Why is there so much interest in digital money instead of card payments?
In the past, it was sufficient to support international brand card payments, but the current flood of payment methods and the diversification of consumer needs have made it necessary to support a variety of payment methods, increasing the burden on service providers. This is because the adoption of deposit-type stable coins (digital money tied to a deposit account) is expected to improve these issues.
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What are the initial build and running costs?
Please feel free to contact us to discuss what you are considering. We will propose the best plan for you.Click here to contact us
What is a distributed ID?
It is a new form of digital ID that uses blockchain and other technologies. Unlike conventional mechanisms where companies store and handle personal information, decentralized IDs, also known as DIDs, allow individuals to control their own information.
What is blockchain?
A distributed database technology for secure and transparent management of digital data, with no central administrator. The database is shared and managed by multiple nodes (computers) in a network. This provides many advantages such as high security and transparency, as well as increased transaction speed.
What is VC?
VC stands for Verifiable Credential, which is a certificate or credential provided in a digital format that can be verified for its authenticity and accuracy. For example, a driver's license, degree certificate, or work history is issued in digital form and stored in a verifiable manner. We link VCs to distributed identifiers (DIDs) to provide a robust proof system.
What is MPC?
MPC (Multi Party Computation) is a type of secret computation technology that performs calculations with encrypted data. Users can store their own personal information on the MPC and execute calculations using it, while making it physically impossible for third parties or even the server operator to see or change this personal information.
Isn't DID/VC an unfinished technology?
DID/VC is a nascent technology, and its specifications have not been fully standardized by international standardization organizations such as W3C, IETF, and OIDF. At present, when providing services using this technology, there are differences in specifications in the data distribution standards, and this is a challenge for the spread of services using this technology. Therefore, we are examining the issues and the direction of solutions for each process, such as VC issuance and verification, while referring to the trends of international standardization organizations. For each specific use case, we will establish common criteria for technology selection so that each member company can achieve interoperability.
Can SHIKI be integrated with external services?
We also provide APIs for collaboration and a hub system in line with OIDC.
Why does SHIKI use a consortium chain?
We do not believe that being public is necessarily secure. The fact that anyone can participate in a public chain increases decentralization, but at the same time, it includes the possibility of reversing a decision if only a large number of nodes are available. A consortium chain, which combines both elements of governance through an organizational structure and decentralization of decision-making authority, is one option in the search for system robustness.
Does using blockchain lower costs?
If only fulfilling the function as an ID provider, blockchain is over-specified and expensive. However, when considering how to deal with identity theft by external attacks or misuse by administrators, it can be seen as cost-effective to have a configuration in advance that makes such problems unlikely to occur.
Who are the node participants?
The nodes of the various distributed systems are currently owned by DigitalPlatformer. We are in the process of decentralizing them so that no one entity has decision-making authority.
Why is SHIKI so secure?
Typically, in corporate-provided authentication systems, users' personal information is managed on the company's servers, which are subject to cyber-attacks, leaving open the possibility of improper handling by the company itself. This server is subject to cyber-attacks and leaves open the possibility of improper handling by the company itself; SHIKI provides a distributed ID and stores the individual's data on the terminal to improve security and protect privacy.
Why is blockchain said to be decentralized and trustworthy?
In blockchain, only authorized users can truly update data, and even the server operator cannot rewrite data without permission. This is a characteristic not found in traditional databases. This is made possible by the fact that various operators run the servers, and at the same time contributes to increased availability of the system.
Can any enterprise adopt blockchain technology for security protection purposes?
When data is stored on the blockchain, it can be viewed by any operator of the server. In addition, the decentralized nature of the blockchain is only meaningful when entities in different positions participate as operators of the server. The main consideration is whether these characteristics are beneficial.
How does this service protect my personal data at SHIKI?
The user's personal information is broken into data fragments that have no meaning on their own and stored in a set of MPC nodes; the operator of the MPC node cannot infer the original data by viewing the data fragments, and if the node is attacked and the data is read, the attacker cannot infer the original data in the same way. Only the user who owns the data can guess the original data. Only the user who owns the data can recover this information.
What do I need to use the SHIKI service?
A smartphone or PC with a camera is required to handle facial recognition. An Internet connection is required to run the authentication process.
Is the service infrastructure cloud-based?
Yes, this allows the enhanced security features provided by the cloud service to be connected to the service.
Can SHIKI integrate with my existing system?
Yes, we are developing an SDK format to incorporate the benefits of distributed ID and VC in existing services.