Future Finance,
Right here, right now.

The future of next-generation finance, where the identities of people and goods are digitally connected.
to lead the way with innovative methods.

While protecting
A future where data can be linked

With the rapid development of the digital space, the way "identities" are managed is changing. While centralized management by large platforms offers convenience, it also increases the risk of hacking and information leakage. Digital Platformer provides the innovative digital infrastructure of the future that enables data sharing while protecting personal privacy with advanced encryption technologies of MPC and blockchain.


Digitally Connected
Individuals and Things

Let's start with finance.

Full control over privacy with self-sovereign identities using the innovative technology of blockchain. Digitizing all assets in the real world and seamlessly connecting the identities of people and goods to a world where the exchange value of all assets is possible. Toward a future where the cost of moving money and goods is as close to zero as possible.

About us

SHIKIDistributed ID, VC issuance management, MPC

Robust proof system for the era of cyber defense

Technology that allows users to hold and control their own information, such as their personal number card and driver's license, in a confidential and decentralized manner.


KANstable coin

Digital currency designed to provide price stability

Platform for issuing and operating digital gift certificates and local points, as well as for deposit-type stable coins issued by financial institutions


Concealed multiparty calculationPartisia

International level of security


We have partnered with Partisia, based in the privacy-enhancing technology powerhouse of Denmark.
By combining Partisia's advanced cryptography technology, which meets the strict requirements of European data protection regulations, with Digital Platformer's technology and products, we are developing the next generation of fintech solutions that enable cross-border data sharing while ensuring transparency and privacy protection. We are developing next-generation fintech solutions that enable cross-border data sharing while guaranteeing transparency and privacy protection.


Case study

Our solutions are
Already in use


Digital local currency application to make the entire Hokuriku region a region where cashless payments can be made "anytime," "anywhere," and "by anyone" with peace of mind.
People. Things. Event tickets. Real estate. Ticket any value, intangible or tangible. Accelerate the buying and selling of value. Distribution platform
Ishikawa ID
Identity authentication method for common IDs on data federation infrastructure to seamlessly link administrative and private services in Ishikawa Prefecture